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June 12, 2007

Learning.net Launches New Generation of Administrative Tools for Its Learning Centers
New Client Administration Tools Work to Ease Burden on Learning Managers

Laguna Beach and Irvine, CA — Learning.net announced today the successful launch of a series of new administrative improvements to its Learning Centers. Developed after extensive customer research, the new improvements are focused on making the next generation Learning Centers more functional for administrators. New applications allow administrators to manage participation and review progress in several ways by individuals, groups, classrooms, sections and courses. New permissions hierarchy settings have been added to allow Learning Managers to set a variety of access controls to provide report transparency where needed, but reduce time in ad hoc gate-keeping functions. Additionally, Learning.net customers will now be able to use the Learning Center functions and features for tracking both “offline” and online courses, making the new Centers a full service learning facilitator for all types of learning programs.

Learning.net General Manager, Dr. Terry Heiney, explained: “We listened to our customers’ problems and looked at the e-learning administrator’s needs. We focused on changes that help make their work easier and more effective. Our primary accomplishments are in two areas: First, we established many different views of what is going on in each learning environment because we found our administrators are working in increasingly complex organizations that demand more complex reporting. Second, we greatly expanded access options so managers could be very precise in establishing who has access to what.” The General Manager added: “We also took the next step in learning environment management by expanding our registration, enrollment and tracking features so that customers can use our centers to manage their entire learning programs. Learning managers have new media demands put upon them and we wanted our new centers to be able to track and manage not just online programs, but learning that might be offered in seminars, classrooms, and other venues outside of Learning.net based courses.”

About Learning.net
Based in Laguna Beach, CA, Learning.net is a full-service e-Learning provider offering a complete, customized Learning Center. Learning.net’s complete toolset― authoring system, LMS, and LCMS─ provides turnkey solutions that meet customer needs. Content development and consulting services are also available. An off-shore content development partner allows Learning.net to quickly and cost-effectively scale up to meet the needs of even the largest training development projects. Terry Heiney, Ph.D., is Learning.net’s General Manager.

You can contact The Learning Network at 866-798-5897, or info@learning.net. The web site is www.learning.net.

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