February 27, 2025
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Please read through our frequently asked questions below to answer questions you may have. If you are still unable to find an answer, please
contact us
Click on any of the question links.
Getting Started
How do I get started?
How do I login?
My password is not working.
I forgot my password.
My email is not recognized by Learning.net.
Can I have a copy of my transcript?
How can I change my user information?
General Course Topics
What is required to take a course on Learning.net?
How do I sign up for a course?
I want to preview the course before enrolling.
How long will it take to complete a course?
How do I get credit? How long does it take?
Must I take a course in a single session?
How long may I take to complete a course?
What if I lose my connection while taking a course?
Is there a way to take a course off-line?
Is there a hard copy, or printable version of the course?
I have a question about the course content.
How can I see what courses I've completed? Can I store other courses in your system?
I want to take a course on winforms.
I'm having trouble with winforms/zipforms.
Why should I earn my CEUs online?
What are Continuing Education Courses, and why do I need to take them?
Tax & Accounting Learning Center
How do I subscribe for the CCH Year subscription?
I need information on CPE credits.
Real Estate Learning Center
My certificate doesn't have a certificate number.
My CAR membership code is not working.
Which Real Estate courses should I take for my renewal?
Do you offer courses for a broker license?
Technical/Computer Support
I'm getting an error message that won't allow me to continue.
I have logged in, but the system keeps asking for my userid and password.
Contact Learning.net
401 Glenneyre Street, Suite C
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Technical Support:
Mon - Fri
9:00 am - 5:00 pm PST
Phone: (866) 798-5897
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