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June 2, 2005

Learning.net Serves 100,000 Users During Its Lifetime
Important milestone passed for seven-year-old eLearning company

Laguna Beach, CA — Today, Learning.net, Inc, surpassed 100,000 users on its site since the company's inception in 1998. This milestone reflects Learning.net's tremendous growth over the past seven years. Now, with over 100,000 customers and users, Learning.net will continue to focus on continued growth and development of their customized Learning Centers and course content for the wide variety of industries they serve. Learning.net's customers come from not only the local area, but also around the globe.

'While we're pleased about the growth of our business, this number represents much more for our firm," said Dr. Terry Heiney, General Manager. 'It represents Learning.net's commitment to customer service, providing the best content to our clients, and our unwavering commitment to never losing sight of what we try to help our clients accomplish. What we do is much bigger than just providing content or technology. We partner with our clients to provide unique solutions that exactly meet their needs."

'In keeping with our commitment to providing customized solutions to our clients, we have invested in our people and developed their understanding of what we're trying to do as a business. 100,000 users is just the beginning" added Matt Pentecost, Director of Business Development.

About Learning.net Based in Laguna Beach, CA, the goal of Learning.net is to become a leading online provider of learning on the World Wide Web. Learning.net provides each and every customer with an engaging, effective, and pleasurable learning experience that increases knowledge and enhances performance and professional value in the workplace. Learning.net makes every contact with our Learning Centers an enjoyable and satisfying interaction, and wants to make every customer a repeat customer by delivering superior quality, excellent service, and helpful technical support.

Currently Learning.net offers courses for clients in the real estate, insurance, accounting, automotive, and health care industries locally, nationally, and globally.

You can contact The Learning Network at 866-798-5897, or info@learning.net. The web site is www.learning.net.

Copyright© 2005 - The Learning Network, Inc.