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November 28, 2005

The Learning Network Partners With Duane Gomer Seminars To Host Mortgage Broker Training Online
Online Courses Provide Easy Access for Brokers

Laguna Beach and Mission Viejo, CA — The Learning Network (TLN) has teamed up with Duane Gomer Seminars to provide required training to mortgage brokers online. Brokers can now go online to take their continuing education courses in Ethics, Agency, Fair Housing, and Trust Fund Handling. Brokers can purchase courses at mortgage.learningcenter.com. More training will be added next year.

"Duane Gomer Seminars is one of the premier providers of real estate continuing education in California. To team up with them and be able to provide their content through an online channel is very exciting for both firms, especially given the real estate boom and the number of brokers who need training," said Matt Pentecost, Director of Business Development for TLN. "Now, instead of waiting to attend live seminars at future dates and traveling long distances to get to those locations, mortgage brokers can simply log onto any computer with Internet access and meet their continuing education requirements within a matter of hours."

About The Learning Network
Based in Laguna Beach, CA, TLN provides e-Learning services to corporate departments, associations, and other organizations that require a focused solution to deliver training, education, and/or testing to their employees, customers, or members. TLN offers a proprietary learning content management system for course and test delivery, learner administration, and reporting. In addition, TLN produces content for delivery on the system.

TLN clients include Commerce Clearinghouse, the California Association of Realtors, and Kawasaki Motors, USA. Each of these organizations has a public or private learning center where they manage courses and tests. Currently, TLN offers courses for clients in the real estate, insurance, accounting, power sports, and health care industries both locally and globally.

You can contact The Learning Network at 866-798-5897, or info@learning.net. The web site is www.learning.net.

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