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The Learning Network - CA Real Estate License Requirements

Renewing a California Real Estate License

  1. Salespersons renewing for the first time after the issuance of their original license must complete 12 clock hours of CE consisting of DRE-approved three-hour courses in each of Ethics, Agency, Trust Fund Handling, and Fair Housing. Do not take the 6-hour Survey Course for your first license renewal.

    18 month conditional licensees are not considered renewal licensees and do not follow this educational requirement. Please contact the DRE for your educational and licensing requirements.

  2. All other Salesperson or Broker renewals must complete 45 clock hours of DRE-approved CE consisting of either:

    1. Option 1:
      • three-hour courses in Ethics, Agency, Trust Fund Handling, and Fair Housing (a total of 12 clock hours);
      • at least 18 additional clock hours of courses approved under the category of "Consumer Protection"; and
      • the remaining 15 clock hours in courses approved in either the "Consumer Service" or "Consumer Protection" categories.
        This requirement can be met by taking our "Residential Real Estate Transactions I" bundle.

    2. Option 2:
      • a 6-hour survey course with equal coverage of Ethics, Agency, Trust Fund Handling, and Fair Housing;
      • at least 18 clock hours of courses approved under the category of "Consumer Protection"; and
      • the remaining 21 clock hours in courses approved in either the "Consumer Service" or "Consumer Protection" categories.
        This requirement can be met by taking our "Residential Real Estate Transactions II" bundle.

Continuing education course credits expire four years from the course completion date.

How do I get my credits recorded?

You may download the necessary California forms in PDF format, allowing you to fill them out on your computer and then print them out, sign, and mail them.

To receive credit, the licensee must submit a completed and signed RE251 form with course certificate numbers along with the RE209 form and the appropriate fee. Failure to submit the RE251 form will result in renewal being denied. Do NOT submit CE course completion certificates.

You can fill out the form immediately after completing your courses. Applications must be received or postmarked by midnight of the last day of the license term. Current licensees will normally receive a renewal notice from the Department of Real Estate approximately 60 days prior to their license expiration date.

More information on renewing a California real estate license is available at http://www.dre.ca.gov/.

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