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CCH is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, TN, 37219-2417.

CCH is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy as a Quality Assurance Service (QAS) sponsor of continuing professional education. Participating state boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding QAS program sponsors may be addressed to NASBA, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417

CCH has been approved by the California Tax Education Council to offer courses that provide federal and state credit towards the annual "continuing education" requirement imposed by the State of California. A listing of additional requirements to register as a tax preparer may be obtained by contacting CTEC at P.O. Box 2890, Sacramento, CA, 95812-2890, toll-free by phone at (877) 850-2832, or on the Internet at www.ctec.org.


CCH is a qualified sponsor of continuing professional education required for individuals enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service (enrolled agents) and is in compliance with the requirements of Treasury Department Circular No 230, section 10.6(g). We have entered into an agreement with the Office of Director of Practice, Internal Revenue Service, to meet the requirements of 31 Code of Federal Regulations, section 10.6(g), covering maintenance of attendance records, retention of program outlines, and length of class hours. This agreement does not constitute an endorsement by the Director of Practice as to the quality of the program or its contribution to the professional competence of the enrolled individual.

(The following information applies to CCH self-study courses only)

The information contained below is our interpretation of the state's CPE rules. We highly recommend that you contact your state board accountancy regarding the hours that they will accept for CPE credit.

NASBA National Registry, 103021
Quality Assurance Service (QAS), 007
StateNew Standards or Interactive (50 min = 1 hr)QAS (50 min = 1 hr)Non-Interactive* (100 min = 1 hr)CCH Sponsor Number
Alabama Accepts 007
Alaska Accepts 007
Arizona Accepts 007
ArkansasAcceptsAccepts 103021
CaliforniaAccepts  103021
ColoradoAcceptsAccepts 103021
Connecticut  Accepts103021
Delaware Accepts 007
Florida Required 007
GeorgiaAccepts  103021
HawaiiAcceptsAccepts 103021
IdahoAcceptsAccepts 103021
Illinois*Accepts  103021
Indiana*Accepts  103021
IowaAccepts  103021
KansasAcceptsAccepts 103021
Kentucky Accepts 007
Louisiana*Accepts  103021
Maine Accepts 007
Maryland*  Accepts103021
MassachusettsAcceptsAccepts 103021
MichiganAcceptsAccepts 103021
MinnesotaAcceptsAccepts (required 7/04) 103021
MississippiAccepts  103021
MissouriAccepts  103021
Montana Accepts 103021
Nebraska Accepts 007
NevadaAcceptsAccepts 103021
New Hampshire Accepts 103021
New Jersey*  Accepts106
New MexicoAcceptsAccepts 103021
New YorkAccepts  000085
N. CarolinaAccepts  103021
N. Dakota*Accepts  103021
OhioAcceptsAccepts 103021
OklahomaAcceptsAccepts (for interactive only) 103021
Oregon Required 007
PennsylvaniaAccepts  103021
Rhode Island*  Accepts103021
S. CarolinaAccepts (effective 1/1/2006)Accepts 103021
S. Dakota Accepts 007
Tennessee Required 007
TexasAcceptsAccepts 000001
UtahAccepts  103021
Vermont Accepts 007
VirginiaAcceptsAccepts 103021
WashingtonAcceptsAccepts 103021
Washington, D.C.*AcceptsAccepts 103021
West VirginiaAcceptsAccepts 007
WyomingAcceptsAccepts 007
*PLEASE NOTE: States that accept only the Non-Interactive Standards for self-study credit accept only half the credit for courses that comply with QAS and the New Standards or Interactive Credit.

California's Fraud CE requirement: After July 1 2004, California CPAs subject to the accounting and auditing or governmental CPE requirement must complete an additional 8 hours of CPE credit in detecting fraud for each renewal period. CCH offers several Learning Center courses that qualify for California's new fraud requirement. Courses that qualify are indicated in the short catalog description.

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