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Courses Available for California Real Estate Professionals:
Course Title Level Price
* Real Estate Ethics - NAR Mandatory

This course satisfies the NAR requirement for ethics training for new and continuing members. (And 3 hours of DRE credit in Ethics for California.)
This is an overview course and the second in a series designed to give in-depth treatment to ethical issues for the professional serious about obtaining a depth of understanding on these issues. This course is intended to help real estate licensees develop an awareness of ethics in general and to help members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) recognize and avoid conduct likely to cause disciplinary action.
Credit available for Real Estate.

* Real Estate Ethics - NAR Mandatory

This course satisfies the NAR requirement for ethics training for new and continuing members. (And 3 hours of DRE credit in Ethics for California.)
This is an overview course and the second in a series designed to give in-depth treatment to ethical issues for the professional serious about obtaining a depth of understanding on these issues. This course is intended to help real estate licensees develop an awareness of ethics in general and to help members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) recognize and avoid conduct likely to cause disciplinary action.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Action of Grievance Committee

This course is designed to provide training in the professional standards required for arbitration and ethics complaint proceedings and to explain the role of the Grievance Committee in ethics complaint proceedings.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Agency Relationships and Duties
Free Preview Available

This course addresses the complex issues surrounding the topic of agency, including an agent's responsibilities to his or her principals, disclosure requirements, and the creation of agency relationships.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Agency Relationships and Duties
Free Preview Available

This course addresses the complex issues surrounding the topic of agency, including an agent's responsibilities to his or her principals, disclosure requirements, and the creation of agency relationships.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Beyond The Basics
Free Preview Available

Learn ways to take advantage of different segments of the market including foreclosures, rental properties and condominiums.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Beyond the Basics
Free Preview Available

Learn ways to take advantage of different segments of the market including foreclosures, rental properties and condominiums.
Credit available for Real Estate.

California Real Estate - Ethics
Free Preview Available

Learn to recognize and avoid conduct that could result in disciplinary action. Suitable both as an introduction for the neophyte and a refresher for the experienced Real Estate professional.
Credit available for Real Estate.

California Real Estate - Ethics
Free Preview Available

Learn to recognize and avoid conduct that could result in disciplinary action. Suitable both as an introduction for the neophyte and a refresher for the experienced Real Estate professional.
Credit available for Real Estate.

California Real Estate - Ethics
Free Preview Available

Learn to recognize and avoid conduct that could result in disciplinary action. Suitable both as an introduction for the neophyte and a refresher for the experienced Real Estate professional.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
California Real Estate - Ethics 3

This course is the third in a series for the real estate licensee who is serious about ethics in general and interested, as members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), in recognizing and avoiding conduct likely to cause disciplinary action. The ethical issues discussed in this course are related to the professional duties and obligations of REALTORS® to their clients, customers, competitors, and the public.
Credit available for Real Estate.

California Real Estate - Ethics 4

This course is the fourth in a series intended to help real estate licensees develop an increased awareness of ethics in general and to help members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) recognize and avoid conduct likely to cause disciplinary action. This course focuses on Articles 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, and 17 of the NAR Code of Ethics, the California Business and Professions Code, and the enforcement of ethics by the DRE.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Cutting Through the Confusion: All You Need to Know About Disclosures

This course covers the range of disclosures that must be made on California properties.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Director's Role in Professional Standards

This course is designed to provide training in the professional standards required for arbitration and ethics complaint proceedings, in the preparation and etiquette expected of hearing panel members, in the procedures for conducting a hearing, and in the professional standards required for the review of decisions. The roles of the hearing panel in arbitration and ethics hearings and of the Directors in their review of decisions are also explained.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Disclosures...What You Need to Know!

This course covers the range of disclosures that must be made on California properties.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Fair Housing
Free Preview Available

Increase your knowledge of federal and state fair housing laws and related civil rights and anti-discrimination laws that affect real property transactions. Also addressed are the complex issues surrounding fair housing.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Fair Housing
Free Preview Available

Increase your knowledge of federal and state fair housing laws and related civil rights and anti-discrimination laws that affect real property transactions. Also addressed are the complex issues surrounding fair housing.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
First Aid For Hot Market Burns
Free Preview Available

FREE! FREE! FREE! Learn ways to protect yourself and your clients from potential problems that may arise in today's hot real estate market. This is a Free Sample Course for Credit! (Try this course to experience the convenience and ease of on-line learning.)
Credit available for Real Estate.

Keys to a Successful Transaction
Free Preview Available

Learn about disclosures, financing, property taxes, valuation, and escrow as they apply to your duties as a Real Estate agent.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Minimizing Legal Problems
Free Preview Available

This course focuses on professional practices that can keep the agent out of court.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Minimizing Legal Problems While Completing a Successful Real Estate Transaction
Free Preview Available

This course focuses on professional practices that can keep the agent out of court.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Professional Standards Hearing Panel

This course is designed to provide training in the professional standards required for arbitration and ethics complaint proceedings, in the preparation and etiquette expected of hearing panel members, and in the procedures for conducting a hearing. The role of the hearing panel in arbitration and ethics hearings is also explained.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Real Estate Salesperson-First Time Renewal Package

This money-saving bundle includes the materials and required tests for the following four courses:

Credit available for Real Estate.

CAR Membership Discount  $49.95
Residential Real Estate Transactions I

This money-saving bundle includes the materials and required tests for the following courses:

Credit available for Real Estate.

CAR Membership Discount  $69.95
Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Residential Real Estate Transactions II

This bundle includes the materials and required tests for the following five courses, including the 6-hour mandated survey course:

Credit available for Real Estate.

CAR Membership Discount  $69.95
Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Risk Management A-Z: The ABC's of Protecting Yourself and Your Company

This course offers some simple practice recommendations, educating and guidelines on how to avoid legal pitfalls in a real estate practice to help you stay out of litigation.
Credit available for Real Estate.

So You´ve Been Sued . . . Now What?
Free Preview Available

This course serves as a reference guide through the process of responding to a controversy brought about during or after a real estate transaction has taken place.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
So You´ve Been Sued . . . Now What?
Free Preview Available

This course serves as a reference guide through the process of responding to a controversy brought about during or after a real estate transaction has taken place.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Survey Course: Mandated Topics
Free Preview Available

Refresher course for licensed agents covering Ethics, Agency Relationships, Fair Housing, and Trust Fund Management.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Survey Course: Mandated Topics
Free Preview Available

Refresher course for licensed agents covering Ethics, Agency Relationships, Fair Housing, and Trust Fund Management.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Survey Course: Mandated Topics - TEST ONLY

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Tax Features of Real Estate Investments From Purchase to Sale
Free Preview Available

This course will advance your knowledge of the tax features of real estate investment from purchase to sale enabling you to better advise your real estate clients in their investment planning.
Credit available for Real Estate.

The Financial Planning Process: You Can Get There From Here
Free Preview Available

This course will advance your knowledge of the financial planning process to help you and your clients to make better decisions regarding investment goals.
Credit available for Real Estate.

The Internet for Real Estate Professionals
Free Preview Available

Everything you need to know to get on the internet from signing up with a service provider to how to send a proper e-mail message and building your own home page.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Basic $19.95
The Keys to a Successful Transaction: From Qualifying Buyers to Closing Escrow
Free Preview Available

Learn about disclosures, financing, property taxes, valuation, and escrow as they apply to your duties as a Real Estate agent.
Credit available for Real Estate.

The Relationship Between You and the Buyer

This course introduces you to the Buyer Broker Representation Agreement.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
The Relationship Between You and the Buyer

This course introduces you to the Buyer Broker Representation Agreement.
Credit available for Real Estate.

The Residential Real Estate Transaction Guide

This course is intended as a practical, day to day map, designed to walk you through a typical residential real estate transaction, step by step.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
The Residential Real Estate Transaction Guide

This course is intended as a practical, day to day map, designed to walk you through a typical residential real estate transaction, step by step.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Trust Fund Management
Free Preview Available

This course covers requirements concerning the receipt, handling, and disbursement of trust funds, along with prudent business practices that will help you avoid (and survive) an audit.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Trust Funds Management

This course covers requirements concerning the receipt, handling, and disbursement of trust funds, along with prudent business practices that will help you avoid (and survive) an audit.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Using Electronic Forms to Win the Race

Learn how to use WINForms®, ZipForm®, and other electronic forms software in this product family; computer software that automates forms for the real estate community. This software allows you to bring a complete real estate transaction system and the related benefits of Microsoft Windows to the entire office.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Your Guide to the C.A.R. Residential Purchase Agreement

This course discusses the entire revised C.A.R. Residential Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions (RPA-11) and related addenda.
Credit available for Real Estate.

Valid only if you have already purchased the course materials from C.A.R. or your local association, but want to take the test online.
Your Guide to the California Residential Purchase Agreement

This course presents will discuss the entire revised October 2002 C.A.R. California Residential Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions (RPA-CA) and related addenda
Credit available for Real Estate.

Your Guide to the California Residential Purchase Agreement

This course will discuss the entire revised January 2006 C.A.R. California Residential Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions (RPA-CA) and related addenda and the Residential Listing Agreement (Exclusive)
Credit available for Real Estate.

Your Guide to the California Residential Purchase Agreement

This course will discuss the entire revised January 2006 C.A.R. California Residential Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions (RPA-CA) and related addenda and the Residential Listing Agreement (Exclusive)
Credit available for Real Estate.


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