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Kess on the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003: Insights and Strategies
Sidney Kess and Barbara Weltman
This course offers tax professionals helpful guidance on the new law, including planning opportunities, pitfalls to beware of, and ways practitioners can capitalize on the law with their clients.

Helpful Practice Development Tips, Planning Pointers and Observations designed to assist users in understanding and applying the new law are peppered throughout. Topics covered include:

  • temporary dividends tax cut and lower taxes on capital gains
  • increase in the Code Sec. 179 expensing limit
  • bonus depreciation
  • marriage penalty tax relief
  • acceleration of the reductions in individual income tax rates enacted in 2001
  • increase in the child tax credit
  • increase in the individual alternative minimum tax
  • how the changes affect 2003 returns exemption
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Field of Study:  Taxes
Prerequisites:  None
Level:  Update
To view and print downloadable content files available in this program, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download the free Reader plugin at Adobe's website by clicking on the icon below, then following the instructions for installation on your computer.
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This course makes use of Macromedia Flash and requires the Flash plugin. To test if your browser already has the proper Flash support installed, click here to view a test file. If you cannot see the image, please visit the Macromedia Flash website to download the latest version of the free Flash plugin for your browser.

Credit Available For: Units
CFPTM (Accepted by the CFP Board) 5 CPE
Enrolled Agent (Accepted by the IRS) 5 CPE
Note: Recommended CPE credit is based on a 50-minute hour. Participants earning credits for states that require self-study to be based on a 100-minute hour will receive half the recommended CPE credits for successful completion of this course.

Since Continuing Professional Education requirements vary from state to state and are subject to change without notice, please contact your state board of accountancy for information on your CPE requirements and the applicability of this course to meet those specifications.
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