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Auditing: Selected Developments
Steven C. Fustolo
Auditing: Selected Developments centers around current and arising developments of auditing.

The section on the AICPA details a list of its Top Ten Technology Issues of 2004, and provides a brief description of each technology issue being discussed. The AICPA's latest emerging technology issues are also included.

In a section that focuses on the public's perceptions of the accounting profession, the author poses questions about and compares auditors to other professionals after auditing scandals like Enron.

How to identify fraud, the conditions of fraud, and how to deliberate with clients about fraud are the highlights of the SAS No. 99 chapter.

Lastly, the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on the accounting profession and federal securities laws are examined. The author details results of the Act.

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Field of Study:  Auditing
Prerequisites:  None
Level:  Intermediate
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Credit Available For: Units
Note: Recommended CPE credit is based on a 50-minute hour. Participants earning credits for states that require self-study to be based on a 100-minute hour will receive half the recommended CPE credits for successful completion of this course.

Since Continuing Professional Education requirements vary from state to state and are subject to change without notice, please contact your state board of accountancy for information on your CPE requirements and the applicability of this course to meet those specifications.
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