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California Real Estate - Ethics 3
California Association of REALTORS®

This course is the third in a series for the real estate licensee who is serious about ethics in general and interested, as members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), in recognizing and avoiding conduct likely to cause disciplinary action. The ethical issues discussed in this course are related to the professional duties and obligations of REALTORS® to their clients, customers, public, and competitors. By understanding the ethical duties of a REALTOR®, you can help yourself and your firm avoid legal problems and improve the public perception of REALTORS® as ethical professionals.

This is an overview course designed to give in-depth treatment to ethical issues for the professional serious about obtaining a depth of understanding on these issues. Specifically, after completing this course, you will be able to accomplish the following objectives.

  1. Identify who is protected by the NAR Code of Ethics
  2. Describe the legal obligations of real estate licensees according to Articles 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, and 17
  3. Describe how following the Procuring Cause Guidelines can benefit a real estate licensee
  4. Recognize when a violation of the California Business and Professions Code ("B&P Code") is also a violation of the NAR Code of Ethics
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Credit Available For: Units
Real Estate (Accepted by the California Department of Real Estate) 3 CE
Reviewer: Reden B. submitted on 08/19/2003
California Department of Real Estate Disclaimer Statement:
This course is approved for Continuing Education credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructor, authors or lecturers.

This course has been developed and produced by the California Association of REALTORS®

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