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Beyond the Basics
Real estate is more than just the regular single family home and buyers in today's market are faced with many options, but are you prepared to sell it to them? Maybe it's a mulit-unit property they are looking for, or maybe a condo is what they need. This course contains three sections, each dealing with a different segment of the market:

Managing Residential Properties covers the various aspects of property management including tenant/landlord relations, trust fund accounting and maintenance. Legal issues involved with renting properties are also discussed.

Foreclosure can be a problem for homeowners, but an opportunity for real estate agents. This section will cover both sides of the process. Included are ways that agents can take advantage of these viable new properties for sale and how they can help minimize the problems of foreclosure for homeowners.

Listing & Selling Condominiums covers some of the basic knowledge and skills needed to get into this growing portion of the real estate market. Topics include identifying potential buyers and effective marketing strategies for dealing with this special type of property.

A final examination will be given after completing all three sections.

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Credit Available For: Units
Real Estate (Accepted by the California Department of Real Estate) 12 CE
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California Department of Real Estate Disclaimer Statement:
This course is approved for Continuing Education credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructor, authors or lecturers.

This course has been developed and produced by the California Association of REALTORS®

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