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Using Electronic Forms to Win the Race
California Association of REALTORS®
The electronic forms training is designed to:
  • Illustrate the features, functions, and benefits of using the product in contrast to traditional, hard copy forms.
  • Provide demonstrations of software functionality using animation files linked to descriptive text screens
  • Allow users to practice step-by-step procedures using simulations of the software screens, and the software installed on their own computer.
The overall goal will be to provide software end users with a means of learning to use the software effectively using their own computer.

Please Note: First time users must sign up for their own personal learning.net user account in order to enroll in this course.

Expiration: Course must be completed before 07/19/04
To view and print downloadable content files available in this program, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download the free Reader plugin at Adobe's website by clicking on the icon below, then following the instructions for installation on your computer.
[click to download acrobat reader]

This course makes use of Macromedia Flash and requires the Flash plugin. To test if your browser already has the proper Flash support installed, click here to view a test file. If you cannot see the image, please visit the Macromedia Flash website to download the latest version of the free Flash plugin for your browser.

Credit Available For: Units
Real Estate (Accepted by the California Department of Real Estate) 2 CE
Currently no user reviews.
California Department of Real Estate Disclaimer Statement:
This course is approved for Continuing Education credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructor, authors or lecturers.

This course has been developed and produced by the California Association of REALTORS®

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