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Keys to a Successful Transaction
California Association of REALTORS®
This course covers a variety of topics important to every Real Estate transaction in some depth.

Disclosure Obligations for Residential Real Estate covers the many disclosures mandated by law, providing valuable information on what disclosures must be made, to whom, by whom, in what manner, and for what reason.

Financing Residential Real Estate covers material that will help you help your buyers obtain financing for their new homes. By being knowledgable about various standard and creative financing options, you will be a valuable resource for both your buyers and sellers. The likelihood of your transactions collapsing in escrow will decrease, while the number of referrals from satisfied clients and customers will increase.

Taxation of Owner Occupied Residential Property covers the assorted tax consequences of buying or selling residential real estate. Although tax consequences are not usually the sole criteria in deciding whether to buy or sell a home, they are of great importance. This section will help you to counsel your buyers and sellers about the potential tax results inherent in any real estate transaction.

Valuation of Residential Property discusses theories of valuation and how to do a competitive market analysis. Real estate licensees need to be familiar with the forces that influence value to price their listings properly for the market if they are to be successful at selling their listings. In addition, real estate agents must have a working understanding of the methods by which values can be estimated, and be able to answer specific questions from sellers and buyers about value and fair price.

The Escrow unit will help you understand how to help your clients through the escrow process. The escrow process can be long and confusing, yet it is a vital part of almost every real estate transaction in California. It is essential for real estate agents to have a good understanding of the escrow process to ensure their transactions close.

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Credit Available For: Units
Real Estate (Accepted by the California Department of Real Estate) 21 CE
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California Department of Real Estate Disclaimer Statement:
This course is approved for Continuing Education credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructor, authors or lecturers.

This course has been developed and produced by the California Association of REALTORS®

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